Group Search & Memory Palace: Book Launch

Posted by on Jan 31, 2013 in Book Launch, Events | No Comments
Group Search & Memory Palace: Book Launch

Other Sights for Artists’ Projects and Doryphore Independent Curators, the Vancouver Public Library and the City of Vancouver Public Art Program are delighted to announce a new publication that documents Group Search and Memory Palace, presented as part of Inside the Library Curatorial Initiatives. In a program running from September 2006 to February 2010, these distinct projects commissioned artists to investigate the potential of the diverse public space of the Vancouver Public Library’s Central Branch while addressing the broader philosophical and symbolic meanings of `the library’.

The Future is Floating 4

Posted by on Sep 7, 2012 in Events, The Future is Floating | No Comments
The Future is Floating 4

As a lead up to the launch of the Bomford’s Deadhead (working title) , a floating sculpture commissioned by Other Sights and Presentation House Gallery, Other Sights’ Communication Office presents the first of a series of conversations about building structures, imaginary, physical or social, at the artists’ GNW studio.

In the research phase of this project the Bomfords initiated a discussion with Geoffrey Carr about his insight into the relationship between the built environment and colonial power on the west coast. For this event, Carr will present some of his research and insight into the authority implicit in the design and construction of residential schools. A discussion between Carr and the Bomfords will follow.

The Future is Floating 3

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in Events, The Future is Floating | No Comments
The Future is Floating 3

As a lead up to the launch of the Bomford’s Deadhead (working title), a floating sculpture commissioned by Other Sights and Presentation House Gallery, Other Sights’ Communication Office presents the first of a series of conversations about building structures, imaginary, physical or social, at the artists’ GNW studio.

The Future is Floating 2

Posted by on Apr 9, 2012 in Events, podcasts, The Future is Floating | No Comments
The Future is Floating 2

Founder and Director Claire Doherty discusses the origins and the future of Situations, a commissioning and research program based at the University of West England in Bristol and their current project, Nowhereisland, a large-scale public art project conceived by artist Alex Hartley and commissioned as part of the UK Cultural Olympiad 2012. This island, originating from the Arctic, will journey around the south west region of England this summer, stopping at ports and harbours as a visiting ‘island nation’. Accompanied by its land based Embassy, its six-week journey will finish in Bristol on the 9th September 2012.