Other Sights would like your insight, please visit the FLEET project page and complete the FLEET survey and send us your thoughts on what a moveable artist studio in Vancouver should look and feel like. We’re looking to capture what art forms could use these spaces, what size and features work best in each studio, what an ideal length of stay would be, and where the units could be placed in and around Vancouver.
Your input will inform our initial findings and help shape FLEET’s beginnings.

Image credit: Five AM’s Dojo Wheels, transforming trailer, Belgium, Simcic + Ulrich Architects’ Gambier Cabin, Gambier Island, Blue Cabin Floating Residency, Vancouver, Bridge Studio’s Fogo Island Arts residency huts, Newfoundland, Bothy Project’s off-grid art residency spaces, Scotland, Germaine Koh’s Lululiving moveable studio, Vancouver, Holly Ward’s The Pavillion at Langara College, Vancouver.