New Video Series on the Blue Cabin

The Blue Cabin has released the first in a series of videos produced by Krista Lomax in collaboration with Australia Council for the Arts. This first video explores the rich history of the cabin from its creation in 1927, to its journey to Cates Park on the North Shore and its eventual move to Maplewood Farm for restoration.
The Blue Cabin welcomes its first official artist-in-residence

On Monday, September 16th the Blue Cabin welcomed Australian Indigenous artist Vicki Couzens, the first Blue Cabin Floating Artist Resident. Jet lag and pouring rain didn’t stop Vicki from hopping on False Creek Ferries to get her first glimpse of the Blue Cabin as the last of the construction was being completed.
Blue Cabin Public Launch

Other Sights for Artists’ Projects, grunt gallery, and Creative Cultural Collaborations (C3) are thrilled to announce the public launch and first open house of the historic Blue Cabin Floating Artist Residency on August 25, 2019.
We know more than we can tell

…we know more than we can tell… is an exhibition at the AHVA Gallery at the University of British Columbia. Other Sights contributed to the exhibition.
AGM – Annual General Meeting

Other Sights members in good standing are invited to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:00 PM.

Big Rock Candy Mountain has just announced more locations where you can purchase QA Chew’s Bubble Trouble gum and of course the original Sour Vs Sour chocolate bar. Other Sights has created a list of all of the places across Canada where you can fulfill all of your gum and chocolate desires. Please do share […]
Other Sights in Sydney

The Future is Floating is a collaboration with SydFest in Australia. In early 2018, two Other Sights producers were Curators-in-Residence at Sydney Festival. Work continues on this project with Other Sights again visiting the festival in 2019 bringing along two Canadian Indigenous Artists in Residence. Time spent in Sydney in 2019 will result in the creation of new works and an […]
Contribute to the Blue Cabin History and Legacy
The Blue Cabin has existed in many iterations over its lifetime. In its new incarnation, the cabin will host 3-5 residencies annually. Contribute to one of the Other Sights’ residencies as a benefactor and your donation will support the work that an artist undertakes during their floating residency on the water. Residency Benefactors, receive acknowledgment […]
Contribute to a Project’s legacy
Ensure the longevity of a project by supporting an Other Sights publication. We often produce editions and publications related to our organization’s project work. Should there be a particular Other Sights project that captures your imagination you can help us to make a longlasting document of its existence. A limited edition publication run of 50-100 […]