FLOOD (Displaced Horizon) – Now Installed

Posted by on Apr 29, 2020 in Events | No Comments
FLOOD (Displaced Horizon) – Now Installed

The FLOOD (Displaced Horizon) billboards have been installed as part of Capture Photography Festival. Other Sights was planning an event to celebrate this public outdoor billboard project, however, due to Covid-19 and social distancing measures in place, that is no longer feasible. Alternatively, we’ve prepared a video about the project that features photographer Howard Ursuliak […]


Posted by on Apr 27, 2020 in Projects | No Comments

FLOOD (Displaced Horizon) Collaborative project with Howard Ursuliak, Kyle Juron, Lorna Brown, Barbara Cole, Colin Griffiths and Marko Simcic April 12 to May 17, 2020 Part of Capture Photography Festival’s Pattison Outdoor Billboards Public Art Project. FLOOD (Displaced Horizon) is a series of images located on four billboards facing east and west on Expo Boulevard between […]